April 2021
European Biosafety Network published guidance on Sharps injuries. Team-NB is involved and is committed to reaching a better level of safety in using medical devices and working towards developing a standard.
Europe must act now to stop the spread of deadly [...]
The CORE-project funded by EU has started today for 36 months period addressing ‘’EU assessment of high-risk medical devices faces in-depth review’’.
CORE-MD_press_release_ 13April 2021_FINAL
On May 7th, the Commission is organising a webinar on MDR for patients.
To register for the webinar please follow this link: :http://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/406747148666469135 [...]
Team-NB published a press release to present the headlines of the annual sector survey.
MedTech Forum (20-22 April): Team-NB representatives will speak at this event. For more info https://www.themedtechforum.eu/prog-2021