June 2020
This rolling plan regarding the implementation of Regulation (EU) 2017/745 and Regulation (EU) 2017/746…
... which contains a list of identified essential implementing acts [...]
Team-NB applied to the CORE-MD project as a consortium partner.
The project is aimed to develop methodological approaches for improved [...]
May 2020
Commission published an update of the planning of MDCG meetings in 2020, due to the Covid-19 crisis.
Knowing that for the time being all face-to-face meetings are [...]
Team-NB members have means to help you to check the validity of the certificates; please find them in the linked document.
TEAM-NB-List of on-line check for validity of certificates
Team-NB annual sector survey is available as a graphical presentation through the link https://www.team-nb.org/team-nb-documents/
Team-NB published a press release to present the headlines of the annual sector survey.
View it in the attached file. Team-NB-MD-Sector-Survey-PressRelease-20200505
April 2020
Team-NB approved a new Position Paper
Team-NB approved a new ”Position Paper on Documentation Requirements for [...]
During the association’s assembly, a new committee was elected.
It is composed of 5 people, namely Alexey Shiryaev, Suzanne [...]
March 2020
Publication of a statement on COVID-19
Team-NB-Statment on Covid 19 - 20200312