May 2016
Survey sector
on the basis of members data are available in documents 2016
Article in Scrip Regulatory Affair by Vibha Sharma
Stricter Equivalency Requirements
April 2016
A new Team-NB Administrative Committee was elected during the General Assembly meeting.
Pease find below the press release : TEAM-NB-PressRelease-20160413
Erik Hansson, deputy head of the unit responsible for medical devices within the European Commission’s Directorate General Grow, told during Team-NB 15th Anniversary meeting.
He advised companies to try to turn to notified bodies [...]
Team-NB 15th anniversary took place at the Metropole Hotel
Please discover the press release : TEAM-NB-15Anniversary-PressRelease-20160411 [...]
Team-NB members attend different working groups
Namely : Team-NB-Working-Groups-Attendee
March 2016
54th NB-Med meeting will take place on 12th and 13th April.
The meeting is held in two parts. The first part [...]
Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) initial position paper on Medical Devices
The objective is to promote regulatory convergence in the medical [...]