Annex XVI Q&A

The Q&A on transitional provisions for products without an intended medical purpose covered by annex XVI of the MDR is available on the Commission website on Medical Devices md_new-reg_annex-xvi_q-n-a_transition-prov


TEAM-NB Position Paper on New MDR Transition Timelines and Notified Body Capacity

Team-NB members specify in this paper their views on the amended timelines with regards to benefits for the European patients and as the continuity in the availability of essential medical devices in the European market.Team-NB-PositionPaper-MDRTransitionTimelines-NotifiedBodyCapacity-V1


Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/1194 amending Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/2346 as regards the transitional provisions for certain products without an intended medical purpose listed in Annex XVI to Regulation (EU) 2017/745

The act is applicable from today and has been published on the Official Journal of the European Union.

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