Team-NB statement

The Team-NB members welcome the Commission proposal for amending Regulations as regards the transitional provisions for MDs and IVDs. The adoption of this proposal by European Parliament and Council will allow safe medical devices to remain available to patients and healthcare professionals. Team-NB members remain fully involved in all necessary activities with EU Authorities and [...]



Team-NB welcomes a new Canditate member from Sweden, as the 1st member of the new category of NB in the designation process. From now on, the association has 33 members from 19 different countries


Designation of notified bodies under the upcoming Artificial Intelligence Act

This position paper was prepared by the “AI & mobile app.” task force which include 16 representatives of the members. It was endorsed by electronic mechanism by a vast majority of members. The paper is underlying the importance of an update of the processes & personnel competence to align with the AI requirements, but not [...]


Data generated from ‘Off-Label’ Use of a device under the EU Medical Device Regulation 2017/745

This position paper was prepared by the Mirror-MDCG-Clinical Working group which include representatives of 11 NBs. It was circulated through CIRCABC to all NBs. It has been endorsed during the Team-NB general assembly meeting. Team-NB-PositionPaper-Off-LabelUse-V1-20221005.docx

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